
This is a blog about some of the things in my life that I've come to enjoy. I keep, so to speak, a record of all the things that I do in my spare time. I am a cat addict, nature fanatic, vintage lover, girl gamer, and love to research and write about interesting facts plus more! I hope you enjoy viewing my blog.

A Living Creature Opposed to Shoes

Cat paws. Why paws, you ask? Because a picture like this is so much cuter than that of which there are several thousands that reflect it. You know, the picture of a girl's new shoes, sometimes even shown with a friend's shoes that match. Then there are those pictures in the summer where girls are shown wearing flip-flops with their toenails all painted. Although those pictures are glistening with the beauty of young teens who are addicted to shoes, I would choose cat paws over new heels any day. Besides, they have those new colored claw caps that you can put on your cat's claws to keep them from shredding the house to death. Nail polish on my cat, in addition to no more threads hanging from the recliner? I'll go for it. As you can see here, Toby is somewhat stretching his claws out. Yes, he is purring with delight as I sit there shining that bright light in his face. He is such a sweet boy. I'll have to record him purring in the future for you to see his full-blown sweetness. He has truly clawed his way into my heart and has never let go.


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